Monday, February 28, 2011

Mama Monday - My baby is FIVE!

The little prince turned FIVE (!) last Thursday. He's such a big boy now, even though he promises he'll always be my baby.

For his birthday we took cupcakes to his pre-k class and they sang him "Happy Birthday". He really enjoyed that. Later that evening, we had a t-ball meeting (yep, my baby's gonna play baseball!) and then went out to eat at his favorite Mexican restaurant. He wasn't feeling well by then though, so he didn't eat much and didn't want to wear the giant sombrero or let the wait staff sang "Feliz Cumpleanos," (which has become sort of a tradition in my family and is, imo, the best part).

Then, we had his party on Saturday. It was a pirate theme and I think it went very well. In fact, aside from the fact that the birthday boy wasn't feeling well, I think it might have been my favorite party that he's had so far. I'm not sure if it's allergies due to the change of seasons, or something he's picked up at school, but he was definitely under the weather. I don't have many pictures because he didn't want anyone to take any of him and he didn't want to wear his pirate suit. He didn't even get to open his gifts at the party because he fell asleep in my arms. But I do think every one else had a good time. We had a bouncy house, a treasure hunt, a tattoo and mustache table, yummy food, and a pirate ship cake. And all the kids looked so cute!

He finally felt well enough to open his gifts on Sunday morning. He loved each and every single one. You could tell by the "treasures" strewn across our living room floor that his is very loved :) Unfortunately, when everything was loaded into my car on Sat, some of the cards got separated from their gifts. So as soon as I can sort it all out we'll be sending out thank you notes, since he didn't get to thank everyone at the party.

and just for fun...

The little prince is born!

1st Birthday Party. Theme: The little prince is ONE!

2nd Birthday Party. Theme: Farm

3rd Birthday Party. Theme: Knights

4th Birthday Party. Theme: Rock Star!

Scrapbook at
Photo Tinks by

Happy Birthday Little Prince.... er Pirate!

Monday, February 21, 2011

Party Planning

The little prince will be 5 on Thursday. FIVE. I'm still in disbelief, but alas there's lots of party planning to do... and this year it's going to be a PiRaTe PaRtY! I'm even working on my very first tutorial. (I hope it's ready by tomorrow!)

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Thrifty Thursday - Cute, cheap, fabric shopping bag tutorial

I saw Morsbags on a another blog and fell in love! Cheap AND easy? My kind of craft!

Go here for the tutorial. Click on "make one" and you can view/print the instruction as word doc or pdf.

Of course, these can be used for so many other things - library book bags, day trip bags, etc. and you can choose any fabric you like! I'm thinking about adding some embellishments... maybe a flower or an applique... so many possiblities!

Happy Crafting!

Friday, February 11, 2011


Alright mockingbirds, I need your help! I've been reading adoption blogs all evening and have noticed that many families are selling tshirts to raise money. I'm thinking I totally need to add some cute tees (for the grown-ups :) to my Mama Mockingbird line (after all, 100% of the proceeds from the things I make/sell goes into our "baby fund").

I'm thinking something cute (like the ones sold in boutiques), maybe with a favorite verse on the back.

Here's the part where you come in - Do you think people would buy them? And how in the world would I get them made? I have no clue! I need help!

Thanks in advance! :)

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Weight Loss Wednesday - Week 2

I didn't lose ANY weight :(

... but I did get a Wii Fit and it's got me inspired so maybe that will change next week!

Hope you're all having a good week!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

January Recap

A few days late, but here's my recap of the month of January:

DH (Dear Husband) started teaching Math as a long-term substitute. He'll sub for the entire semester. He loves teaching, but isn't crazy about Math (his degree is in History). Unfortunately, subs don't get benefits such as health insurance, so he's still working at his regular job too. Fingers crossed that this experience will help him get a teaching job in the fall so I can have my husband back :)!

The little prince (our darling son) had quite a month. He learned about dinosaurs at pre-K (his favorite is stegosaurus). He spent 4 days at Children's Hospital because of a sinus infection that spread to his eye. Thank goodness the antibiotics are working and he's doing great now. It was just so out-of-the-ordinary for us because he's always been amazingly healthy! Also, the last few days of January he started learning to read. He can read and spell only a few basic words (nothing tricky yet), but we're so proud of him!

As for me, I took the month of January off from Mama Mockingbird to spend some time focusing on being a wife and mom, and praying about my "new year. new you!" motto. I'm definitely ready for a new me!

Additionally, we visited a new church (and we really liked it!), helped the little prince raise money for a St. Jude Trike-a-Thon at pre-K, and signed up as neighborhood coordinators for an American Lung Association fundraiser.

Weight loss Wednesday - New Year. New You!

My motto for 2011 is "New Year. New You!". Part of the "new" me is, hopefully, a skinnier me (which is really more of an "old me" but whatever). And so here is my first Weight Loss Wednesday post. :)

I will NOT be posting my current weight because it is completely embarrassing! I will, however, be posting a weightloss tracker and any progress I make.

I'll also be setting goals for myself. My first goal will be tough but sooo worth it... when I lose 25 pounds, I'll be rewarding myself with some new boots (I'm thinking about these ... aren't they fabulous?) !!!

Wish me luck!