Monday, October 3, 2011

Great deal on Women's New Balance

Today only, you can score a pair of women's 850 New Balance walking shoes for only $29.99 and FREE s/h! AND they're pink - part of the Lace Up for the Cure collection (October is Breast Cancer Awareness month!). Get them here.
Can't wait to get mine!
Thanks to the Frugal Girls for sharing!


Blood, that is. Today, I gave blood for the first time. Here are my thoughts :)

1. I was a nervous wreck! I was so scared and I prayed the whole way there for God to give me strength to get through it. And guess what? It really wasn't bad at all! I can't believe I've been such a baby and let my own fears get in the way of helping others in need! So if I can do it, anyone can! No excuses!

2. There is a great need. The Red Cross's blood supply is really low right now. I know that when most people hear that, it affects them for a second and then they quickly move on. It's one of those "anonymous" things that we become numb to. Well folks, if you're reading this - you know a blood recipient. Blood donors saved my life. So please give. It could save someone you know.

Be nice to me, I gave blood today!