That is all.
Monday, April 9, 2012
Wednesday, April 4, 2012
Breaking Free
Tonight at church our Bible study group started Beth Moore's Breaking Free which "leads you through a study of the Scriptures to discover the transforming power of freedom in Jesus Christ." In the first session, she talked about freedom from strongholds. It couldn't have come at a better time... exactly what I need right now.
Happy Wednesday!
Happy Wednesday!
Tuesday, April 3, 2012
Update 2.0
I have "unpublished" both of my facebook pages and I am undecided about the future of this blog. I need some time for prayer and refocus. I apologize for this happening so quickly. I don't want anyone to think that I'm giving up easily. This has been an incredible difficult decision - probably the most diffcult of my life. That's all I can really say right now. Thank you for your continued prayers.
Sunday, April 1, 2012
Mama is on Twitter!
2 posts in 1 day!
Just wanted to let y'all know that Mama Mockingbird is now on Twitter. The username mamamockingbird was already taken (can you believe it???) so I'm @mockingbird_fam. Follow me!
Just wanted to let y'all know that Mama Mockingbird is now on Twitter. The username mamamockingbird was already taken (can you believe it???) so I'm @mockingbird_fam. Follow me!
No major news to report, but I thought I give y'all an update on where we are with our adoption progress.
I mentioned that we launched our adoption facebook page and hoping to adopt profile. The facebook page has gotten a really got response so far. We've set a goal for 200 "likes" by April 7. The purpose of the page is spread the word outside our small circle of friends. If each of our friends "shared" the page and got more likes from all over the country, we could potentially reach a birthmother/baby that we wouldn't have otherwise found in our small town. If you've seen the page, you might have noticed the empty frames in our cover photo. We're planning to take some pics this evening so hopefully you'll be able to see photos of us soon! I've been waiting to really publize the page (read: plaster the internet with our desire to adopt) until we have some photos up. I think it helps to put a face with a name. I want people to see the real us and I think a potential birth mother could get a better idea of our family if she could "see" us AND read about us.
We weren't able to take the adoption classes that started last month because of hubby's baseball schedule (he coaches JV baseball). We're trying to figure out the next classes that will work for us. Even though at this point we feel a private adoption might work best for us (more on that in a minute), the classes are still a valuable resource for adoptive parents and will also walk us through the home study.
So why are we thinking about a private adoption? There are many reasons, really. One being that the process of private adoptions CAN be much quicker than other types of adoption. Basically the way it works is that we find a birthmother/baby on our own (possibly through our facebook page or word of mouth) and we use our own lawyer to do the paperwork. From what we understand, legally all that's needed is a hearing before a judge. The hard part, of course, is finding a birthmother. Private adoptions also tend to be less expensive. Most of the people we know who have adopted did so through a private adoption. We haven't ruled out adopting through an agency or DHR though. In time, we'll explore all possibilities, but private adoption is our short-term plan.
To be honest, I've been a bit discouraged lately. It seems like there have been so many bumps in the road and it makes me question if I'm truly trusting in God's perfect timing or if I'm being too impatient. I realize that it's not going to be easy, but I don't want to "force it" (if that makes sense). This has been weighing heavily on me.
But right now, there are many ways you can help! The best and easiest way to help is PRAYER! Pray for us and pray for all the women out there who are struggling with what is best for their babies. Adoption is not an easy decision! It takes a tremendous amount of courage. Please pray for these women (and men)!
The second thing you can do to help is to spread the word! Share our facebook page. And if you hear of a situation where adoption is a possibility, please tell them about us. I'm also planning to design adoption pass-along cards (like business cards) with our info so we can give them out.
I mentioned that we launched our adoption facebook page and hoping to adopt profile. The facebook page has gotten a really got response so far. We've set a goal for 200 "likes" by April 7. The purpose of the page is spread the word outside our small circle of friends. If each of our friends "shared" the page and got more likes from all over the country, we could potentially reach a birthmother/baby that we wouldn't have otherwise found in our small town. If you've seen the page, you might have noticed the empty frames in our cover photo. We're planning to take some pics this evening so hopefully you'll be able to see photos of us soon! I've been waiting to really publize the page (read: plaster the internet with our desire to adopt) until we have some photos up. I think it helps to put a face with a name. I want people to see the real us and I think a potential birth mother could get a better idea of our family if she could "see" us AND read about us.
We weren't able to take the adoption classes that started last month because of hubby's baseball schedule (he coaches JV baseball). We're trying to figure out the next classes that will work for us. Even though at this point we feel a private adoption might work best for us (more on that in a minute), the classes are still a valuable resource for adoptive parents and will also walk us through the home study.
So why are we thinking about a private adoption? There are many reasons, really. One being that the process of private adoptions CAN be much quicker than other types of adoption. Basically the way it works is that we find a birthmother/baby on our own (possibly through our facebook page or word of mouth) and we use our own lawyer to do the paperwork. From what we understand, legally all that's needed is a hearing before a judge. The hard part, of course, is finding a birthmother. Private adoptions also tend to be less expensive. Most of the people we know who have adopted did so through a private adoption. We haven't ruled out adopting through an agency or DHR though. In time, we'll explore all possibilities, but private adoption is our short-term plan.
To be honest, I've been a bit discouraged lately. It seems like there have been so many bumps in the road and it makes me question if I'm truly trusting in God's perfect timing or if I'm being too impatient. I realize that it's not going to be easy, but I don't want to "force it" (if that makes sense). This has been weighing heavily on me.
But right now, there are many ways you can help! The best and easiest way to help is PRAYER! Pray for us and pray for all the women out there who are struggling with what is best for their babies. Adoption is not an easy decision! It takes a tremendous amount of courage. Please pray for these women (and men)!
The second thing you can do to help is to spread the word! Share our facebook page. And if you hear of a situation where adoption is a possibility, please tell them about us. I'm also planning to design adoption pass-along cards (like business cards) with our info so we can give them out.
Saturday, March 24, 2012
Spring Break!
The Mockingbird family is taking the week off for Spring Break! Hope you all have a great week!
Friday, March 16, 2012
The Big Reveal
Our adoption profile and facebook page just went live.
.... and I'm a nervous wreck. I mean, I've prayed about it for MONTHS and I know it's the right thing to do. But it's still SUPER SCARY to put yourself out there like that. At least with this blog, there's a sort of anonymity - now all our business is out there for the world to see. Which I guess is the point - how do people know if we don't tell them, right? Anyway, this has been pretty difficult so prayers are appreciated. Thanks! Love you all!
.... and I'm a nervous wreck. I mean, I've prayed about it for MONTHS and I know it's the right thing to do. But it's still SUPER SCARY to put yourself out there like that. At least with this blog, there's a sort of anonymity - now all our business is out there for the world to see. Which I guess is the point - how do people know if we don't tell them, right? Anyway, this has been pretty difficult so prayers are appreciated. Thanks! Love you all!
Monday, March 12, 2012
Testing 123
I made a major goof with my blog and now it's all wonky. Trying to get things sorted out...
Friday, March 2, 2012
Happy Birthday, Dr. Seuss
Unless someone like you
cares a whole awful lot,
nothing is going to get better.
It's not.
From The Lorax by Dr. Seuss
Wednesday, February 29, 2012
Weight Loss Wednesday - Week ONE is DONE and Lent
The first week of Summer Slim-down is behind me! I was really worried about weighing-in because, although I started out great, the little prince's birthday festivities were this weekend. That means cupcakes on Friday, cake on Saturday, and even more cake on Sunday for my neice's birthday. After all that birthday cake, I just knew I didn't lose any weight.
Turns out I lost 1.3 lbs!!! Now I realize that I'll have to do better than that to reach my goal of 25 lbs in 12 weeks, but I was happy to have lost anything!
In other news, I'm participating in Lent again this year. Like last year, I've given up Coke. Unlike last year, I've also given up Coke Zero and Diet Coke as well. I'm really hoping to use this time of sacrifice (as silly as it is to consider giving up Coke a "sacrifice") to grow spiritually.
P.S. Pics from the little prince's birthday coming soon!
Hope everyone is having a great week!
Turns out I lost 1.3 lbs!!! Now I realize that I'll have to do better than that to reach my goal of 25 lbs in 12 weeks, but I was happy to have lost anything!
In other news, I'm participating in Lent again this year. Like last year, I've given up Coke. Unlike last year, I've also given up Coke Zero and Diet Coke as well. I'm really hoping to use this time of sacrifice (as silly as it is to consider giving up Coke a "sacrifice") to grow spiritually.
P.S. Pics from the little prince's birthday coming soon!
Hope everyone is having a great week!
Weight Loss Wednesday
Monday, February 20, 2012
Summer Slim-down
My "Summer Slim-down" weighloss challenge starts today! I'm so blessed that so many people have joined the group and that we can do it together! So far, at day 1, here's where I am:

- I'm not going to reveal my weight/measurements. At this point, I'm too embarrassed by those numbers. I'm tracking my weight and bmi using wii fit.
- I bought a journal to track my progress. I'm going to write down my daily food intake and exercise, and also weekly weight/measurements.
- As far as exercise, for right now I'm going to be doing a mix of walking, wii fit, and 30 day shred.
- As far as diet, I'm not a diet-y person. I don't like feeling too restricted about what I can eat (meaning that I end up "cheating" and then feeling guilty, etc). So instead I've just made an overall goal to eat healthier - less processed foods and more aware of calories (that means not drinking my calories! something I'm very guilty of!). I think my journal will help with this.
My "BIG" goal is to lose around 65 lbs and make a lifestyle change to be healthier. My 12-week goal is to lose 25 lbs. I hope it's not too unrealistic...
What about you?
Created by MyFitnessPal - Free Calorie Counter
Weight Loss Wednesday
Friday, February 17, 2012
Adoption Orientation
So last night, the hubs and I went to an "Adoption Orientation." It went well; we learned a lot about the process of adopting children in our state's DHR system, through a non-profit group.
Basically there are 2 steps:
1. Take a 10 week class (30 hours total)
2. Complete a home study
I have mixed feelings about everything so far. There are so many things to consider. Please pray for us as we sort through our options and decide what is right for our family.
Basically there are 2 steps:
1. Take a 10 week class (30 hours total)
2. Complete a home study
I have mixed feelings about everything so far. There are so many things to consider. Please pray for us as we sort through our options and decide what is right for our family.
Tuesday, February 14, 2012
Happy Valentine's Day!
Just popping in to wish all the mockingbirds a Happy Valentine's Day. Hope everyone is feeling loved! 

Friday, February 10, 2012
New Goals part 2
Yesterday's post was a hit! I'm taking suggestions for a name for our group. My awesome sis-in-law found this list of team names for ideas. We have 10 days before our "challenge" begins, so I'd like to start the group in the next few days. That way it'll give people plenty of time to join.
*Disclaimer: I know this isn't really a weight loss blog. But it's definitely something I need to do, and I've talked to so many other women (and men) who feel the same way. Also, I'm embarrassed to admit this, but when the little prince was born I didn't do the mother/newborn portraits that so many women do now because I wasn't happy about the way I looked (I actually weighed less than I do now, but I was really puffy and swollen because - even though we didn't know at the time - I was very sick). Anyway, when we adopt this baby - hopefully soon! - I want to be able to do those portraits. That may seem a little silly - and it's not the only reason - but it is a motivator.
*Disclaimer: I know this isn't really a weight loss blog. But it's definitely something I need to do, and I've talked to so many other women (and men) who feel the same way. Also, I'm embarrassed to admit this, but when the little prince was born I didn't do the mother/newborn portraits that so many women do now because I wasn't happy about the way I looked (I actually weighed less than I do now, but I was really puffy and swollen because - even though we didn't know at the time - I was very sick). Anyway, when we adopt this baby - hopefully soon! - I want to be able to do those portraits. That may seem a little silly - and it's not the only reason - but it is a motivator.
Weight Loss Wednesday
Thursday, February 9, 2012
weightloss wednesday - new goals!
Yes, I realize today is Thursday. I meant to post this last night, but got some new ideas today.
So I haven't done a Weightloss Wednesday in a while. Mostly because I haven't lost any weight :(
But I'm gonna try again. And this time I'm inviting my friends to do it with me! I think I'll make facebook group or something so we can track our progress.
Here's how it'll work:
We'll begin on Feb. 20. (I chose this day because it'll give me 12 full weeks before my 30th birthday). Sometime on before that day, weigh and take measurements (bonus points if you take before/after photos too). Each person will make her own plan and goal (again you don't have to share if you don't want to).
Right now, my plan is to walk every day plus to Jillian Michaels' 30 Day Shred (under $10 at Walmart and free on youtube) 6 days a week. I'll also be drinking lots of water and trying to eat healthier (I think I'm allergic to the word "diet." I've never been able to stick with one). And my goal is to lose 25 pounds in those 12 weeks. I know that will be tough to do, but I'm at least going to try.
I'll post more info before we begin!
So I haven't done a Weightloss Wednesday in a while. Mostly because I haven't lost any weight :(
But I'm gonna try again. And this time I'm inviting my friends to do it with me! I think I'll make facebook group or something so we can track our progress.
Here's how it'll work:
We'll begin on Feb. 20. (I chose this day because it'll give me 12 full weeks before my 30th birthday). Sometime on before that day, weigh and take measurements (bonus points if you take before/after photos too). Each person will make her own plan and goal (again you don't have to share if you don't want to).
Right now, my plan is to walk every day plus to Jillian Michaels' 30 Day Shred (under $10 at Walmart and free on youtube) 6 days a week. I'll also be drinking lots of water and trying to eat healthier (I think I'm allergic to the word "diet." I've never been able to stick with one). And my goal is to lose 25 pounds in those 12 weeks. I know that will be tough to do, but I'm at least going to try.
I'll post more info before we begin!
Weight Loss Wednesday
Monday, February 6, 2012
Well, I'm not sure if I'm 100% happy with the blog design, but this is how it's gonna stay for a little while (with some minor tweaks of course).
Here's a quick run-down of what's going on in the Mockingbird home:
I've been subbing a lot. And I really like it! The hours are amazing and I just love all the sweet kids! I'm also working on my 3rd Beth Moore Bible study. This time we're doing "James: Mercy rimphs" and so far it's amazing! Oh, and I recently gave blood for the 2nd time. Go me!
Hubby is coaching JV baseball and they'll have their first game this month.
Go Tigers! He also just purchased his dream vehicle - a 1978 Jeep! He's wanted one for a really long time and he finally found one that we could afford ;) He's excited to "fix it up" and I'm excited for him. I love seeing my boys happy!
The little prince just signed up for Little League baseball. This will be his 2nd year. He's doing great in school and has already finished his AWANA handbook AND review at church! He's really into video games lately, something mama isn't as excited about. Also, this month he will turn SIX! Can you believe it? My baby will need 2 hands to show his age!
In baby news, the hubs and I will be attending a pre-adoption conference this month. I'm not quite sure what to expect, but I'm really looking forward to it.
Here's a quick run-down of what's going on in the Mockingbird home:
I've been subbing a lot. And I really like it! The hours are amazing and I just love all the sweet kids! I'm also working on my 3rd Beth Moore Bible study. This time we're doing "James: Mercy rimphs" and so far it's amazing! Oh, and I recently gave blood for the 2nd time. Go me!
Hubby is coaching JV baseball and they'll have their first game this month.
Go Tigers! He also just purchased his dream vehicle - a 1978 Jeep! He's wanted one for a really long time and he finally found one that we could afford ;) He's excited to "fix it up" and I'm excited for him. I love seeing my boys happy!
The little prince just signed up for Little League baseball. This will be his 2nd year. He's doing great in school and has already finished his AWANA handbook AND review at church! He's really into video games lately, something mama isn't as excited about. Also, this month he will turn SIX! Can you believe it? My baby will need 2 hands to show his age!
In baby news, the hubs and I will be attending a pre-adoption conference this month. I'm not quite sure what to expect, but I'm really looking forward to it.
Thursday, January 19, 2012
Pardon my Progress
Things are looking a little wonky around here at Mama's blog. Don't worry - it'll be worked out soon.
I'm getting a blog makeover! The old design just wasn't "me" anymore. I hope to debut the completed new design by Feb. 1! Stay tuned!
I'm getting a blog makeover! The old design just wasn't "me" anymore. I hope to debut the completed new design by Feb. 1! Stay tuned!
Thursday, January 5, 2012
Back to school
The little prince went back to school today. It sure was nice having my whole family at home together every day during Christmas break. I miss him.
Monday, January 2, 2012
Time for Action
Let me start by stating the obvious:
I am a terrible blogger.
But........... I promise I'm going to do better.....
Because this year I'm determined to have some news to report!
Up until the last few days, we've done a lot of talking about having another baby, but really haven't done anything about it. Well mockingbirds, 2012 is the year we will take action! No real news to report yet, but I am working on an adoption profile and another facebook page. Keep those prayers coming!
Links coming soon.
Hope you all had a blessed Christmas and a wonderful New Year!
I am a terrible blogger.
But........... I promise I'm going to do better.....
Because this year I'm determined to have some news to report!
Up until the last few days, we've done a lot of talking about having another baby, but really haven't done anything about it. Well mockingbirds, 2012 is the year we will take action! No real news to report yet, but I am working on an adoption profile and another facebook page. Keep those prayers coming!
Links coming soon.
Hope you all had a blessed Christmas and a wonderful New Year!
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